5 Natural Ways to Increase Breast Size Fast at Home

In this article, you’re going to discover 5 proven natural ways to increase breast size fast at home.
Despite the fact that breast augmentation is a surefire way to a bigger cup size, there are still natural ways to make to increase breast size. If you wish to stay away from the knife and the expense, going the natural way is highly recommended.

So What are The 5 Natural Ways to Increase Breast Size Fast at Home?

If you are among many women who are eager to make your breast bigger, here are some natural ways to do so:

1. Breast Massage

One of the natural ways to improve breast size is to perform breast massage. Doing this could improve blood flow and promote suppressed breast cells growth. Also, bust massage could make your breasts firmer and healthier. When choosing massage oil, make sure you pick those that could stimulate breast growth such as jojoba oil, almond oil, and germ oil.
To do the massage, just place a few drops of massage oil to your palm and then, rub them together to make the oil warm. Massage your breasts in circular movement. Perform at least 150 circular strokes before you sleep or in the morning. Doing this regularly will deliver noticeable results after several days.

2. Diet Modification

Eat foods that are high in estrogen – the female hormone responsible for breast growth. Typical examples include soy beans, eggs, chicken, dairy products, yams, fennel and peas. It will also help to consume healthy fats since your breasts are mainly composed of fatty tissues. Some of the examples of such food are seeds, nuts and fruits like avocadoes. Plus, your salad can be more stimulating to your breast if you will add a sprinkle of olive oil as dressing.

3. Herbal Remedies

Taking in herbs can also help make your breasts bigger. For instance, fenugreek is among the finest herb you can consume to have bigger cup size. This herb promotes the production and growth of new cells in the breasts, resulting to breast enlargement and fullness.
This herb does not only aid in enhancing the breast, but also protect your breasts against diseases like cancer. It also contains choline that helps in the process of thinking.

4. Chest Exercises

There are exercises that help build muscles in the breast. Regular push-ups, when performed regularly could help promote increased breast size. When doing push up exercises, lay down facing the ground with your legs straight or knees bent. Lift your body with supporting the weight with your palm and hold this position for about 3 seconds. Go back to the starting point and repeat this process 5 times, 3 repetitions.
Swinging your arms in a clockwise and anti-clockwise direction, 10 counts each can also assist in building chest muscles.

5. Natural Breast Enhancing Products

Rather than opting for surgery to make your breast bigger, using natural breast enhancing products is more advisable. These can be pills or creams that are naturally formulated with organic ingredients such as herbs that have properties to enhance breast size. These can be wild yam, fenugreek, saw palmetto, kava kava and more. Remember to select the best product to see noticeable results without having to go through surgical procedures.


Now that you know 5 proven and natural ways to increase breast size at home, you can have your desired cup size and figure that you want if you will just invest a bit of effort, time and money. Like what has been discussed in this article, the effect would solely depend on your action and the future is what you make of it.

If you've ever felt self conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. To find out about the natural breast enlargement methods that can increase your breast size by up to two cups, naturally and without surgery, click here!