The medical world has gained tremendous knowledge through technical advancements and countless research projects aimed at preventing and curing diseases affecting people in the world today: but accomplishments made in breast cancer prevention are few and far between.
A lot of factors contribute to rising cases of breast cancer in women and most of these factors include accumulated toxins which the average person comes in contact with on a daily basis…
We cannot assume conclusively that preventing exposure to harsh chemicals and over-processed food makes one immune to cancer but multiple studies have shown a reduction in the risk of acquiring the disease when certain pollutants are avoided.

A number of elements play a part in increasing breast cancer cases and understanding how these factors affect the body counts as one step in living healthy and being aware so that you and your family can abolish some of the known causes.
Hormones play a huge role in breast cancer; which would explain the link between hormonal contraceptives and cancer. Other factors such as your Vitamin D levels and chemicals found in canned food are also major players because they stock up toxins in the breast tissues which in turn increase the chances of forming cancer cells..
Doctors advocate a combination of preventative measures to limit the number of cancer-causing agents entering the body and you can learn how to make some healthy changes to your lifestyle.
Taking a Natural Approach
I have spoken to many women who used natural preventatives successfully when deal with breast cancer. Doctors agree that a natural approach strengthens the body and enables you to exterminate many of the known cancer-causing agents that live in breast tissues.
While research into alternative methods is still ongoing, researchers agree that using natural methods to strengthen the body and eliminate toxins is a sure way to minimize the possibility of acquiring breast cancer and because the human body is amazingly capable of healing itself, a little natural boost can go a long way.
Using Diet to Address Breast Health
It’s fairly logical to conclude that diet affects breast health just as it affects other aspects of human health. Researchers who study cancerous breast tissue have found a connection between high amounts of toxic chemicals and increased incidents of breast cancer: and this suggests that eating healthy whole foods minimizes such incidents.
Fresh home cooked meals don’t contain compounds that mimic estrogen but consuming canned foods and drinks, soy products and food additives in high amounts definitely puts you at risk. Foods that contain antioxidants are perfect for eliminating the heavy toxin-buildup in the body and lowering the risk factors.
Combining Herbs and Supplements for Improved Breast Health
Vitamin D plays an important role in the body and lack of it puts one at higher risk. According to a recent study conducted by the University of California, 350,000 cases of breast cancer could be prevented by taking in more of the vitamin.
Moderate exposure to sunlight stimulates production of Vitamin D in the skin and people who don’t get much sunlight tend to have lower levels. I recommend taking in sunlight with a combination of a supporting diet that enhances intake of Vitamin D to maximize its benefits.
But not everyone has access to adequate sunlight and in such cases supplementation would be ideal. Fermented Cod Liver Oil contains a healthy form of Vitamin D as well as Vitamin A, which is a huge health boost.
Omega-3 fatty acids are associated with significant reduction in breast cancer. One study found that women who have a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids lowered incidence of metastasis by up to 500% compared to those who lacked sufficient amounts.
This conclusion is backed by the theory that omega- 3 works to block the effect of estrogen-like compounds and limits cases of inflammation.
Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant found in turmeric and it can be found in capsule form or by adding turmeric to your diet in food or in a daily cup of turmeric tea.
Research is still ongoing into the connection between iodine levels and breast health. Iodine is connected to thyroid function and balancing hormones is essential to maximizing breast health; which is why researchers advocate finding a natural hormone balance to maintain health.
Deodorants Linked to Breast Cancer
Health experts have questioned the safety of deodorants in the past as numerous studies revealed presence of chemicals which compromise breast health..
Manufacturers of deodorants and other antiperspirants use aluminum to prevent sweating but the metal has been found to trigger cancer in animals. Studies are still being conducted to establish whether it could have the same effect in humans.
Commercial deodorants contain other estrogen-mimicking chemicals such as parabens and they do have a negative effect on breast tissues which is why natural formulations are the healthier choice.
Tight Clothing Could Cause Breast Cancer
This is a controversial subject but several researchers have found a connection between wearing tight-fitting bras and increased cases of breast cysts and cancer. The researchers argue that wearing tight clothing restricts lymph flow and could impede the body’s ability to eliminate toxins from the breast area, and therefore increase the buildup of toxins.
The study concludes that the amount of time spent wearing a bra determines the risk of acquiring breast cancer. Women who wear a tight bra 24 hours per day increase their chances of developing breast cancer 3 out of 4 times while those who rarely wear one have a 1 out of 168 chance of developing breast cancer…
Making Healthy Lifestyle Changes!
A number of other factors contribute or reduce the risk of breast cancer. Factors that decrease the risk include the following:
- Regular exercise; Read Exercises to Make Your Boobs Bigger
- Breastfeeding each child for as long as possible
- Regulating your body weight
- Drinking clean purified water
- Managing stress and getting enough sleep
- Avoiding contraceptives that impact hormone levels.
Breast cancer can be caused by a combination of variants and we may not be able to address all of them but incorporating a healthy lifestyle reduces the chances of developing cancer cells by a large extent. Try to slot it as many healthy alternatives as you can to maximize your breast health.