How to Increase Breast Size Fast

Do you want to know how to increase breast size fast? Well undergoing surgery with all the anesthetics and knife is not really the answer.

You may have checked yourself in the mirror for so many times and you feel not satisfied with your breasts. If you thing surgical procedures will solve your dilemma, then you are definitely wrong.

How to Increase Breast Size Fast Without Undergoing Surgery

There are various ways to enhance your cups size without having to go under the knife. These are safe, natural and very simple so, there is still a huge chance for you to increase your bust size by going natural.

Increasing Breast Size through Diet

You may not believe it, but the food you eat actually influence the way your breast grows. For instance, coffee is a type of beverage that you might have been taking each day for years without knowing that this could make your bust line smaller. Coffee contains caffeine which is classified as “methylxantine” that counters breast tissue development.

Plus, over consumption of coffee and other caffeinated food products could result to excessive estrogen production resulting to higher risks of breast pain, fibrocystic breasts as well as cancer of the endometrium. To support breast development, you should eat foods that are high in estrogen such as spinach, celery, beans, peanuts, legumes as well as soy and soy based products.

Massaging Your Breast

Regular breast massage is one of the popular and effective ways to enhance the size of your breast. Stimulation of the breast triggers the cells and tissues of the body to excrete hormones that are responsible for breast growth. Also, massage can enhance the overall texture and tone of muscles around the breast area.

Furthermore, daily massage to the breasts could improve blood circulation and prolactin production which is an essential element in the development of breasts. Through a luxurious breast massage, your endocrine system will be more stabilized while reducing cortisol production that blocks progesterone production which is also vital in breast growth.

Vitamin B Intake

If you wish to increase your breast size fast, it will be helpful to have adequate intake of folic acid. It is a type of Vitamin B which is capable of nurturing and producing new body cells. This vitamin plays a vital role in cell division making it extremely helpful in facilitating breast tissue growth and development.

Natural Pills and Creams

Since many women like you desire bigger breasts to achieve a more attractive physique and to develop self confidence, you will see a lot of products on the market claiming they could make your breast bigger.

However, you should only settle on natural and safe products such as pills and creams that contain ingredients that mimic estrogen’s function. When shopping for such products, you need to make sure that you are buying a reputable brand. Once you have found a reliable product, all you need to do is to use them and combined it with other natural strategies to increase your breast size fast and you will be happy with the results.


So the upshot is, the way of how to increase breast size fast is not really a secret at all? Consistent vitamin b, food diet and breast massage, exercise that increase your breast size quickly and the optional use of specially designed natural breast enhancement pills and creams? That’s all there is to it.

Thanks again for taking a look at our quick tips on how to increase breast size fast.

If you've ever felt self conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. To find out about the natural breast enlargement methods that can increase your breast size by up to two cups, naturally and without surgery, click here!


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