How to get Firmer & Bigger Breasts with Breast Message

Breast massage boosts growth and facilitates breast tone besides making the breasts firm, strong and flexible. Breast massage helps in the growth of a sexy bust. Regular massage will make you develop a bust that will be the envy of so many ladies.
How to get Firmer & Bigger Breasts with Breast Message

It is the top secret that ladies all over the world have come to learn. It works wonders and will make men steal glances at you as you pass in parks and shopping malls.

Beauty and massage parlors in Africa have used breast massage as a healthy form of lymphatic drainage and breast growth. With regular breast massage, you will cut costs on hospital expenses of going to drain lymph nodes that develop in breasts.

These savings can go towards your other beauty needs like facial or pedicures and manicures. The expensive breast surgery to enlarge breast, will also be a past tense.

By use of this method, you will avoid injecting your body with those crazy hormones to enlarge your breasts (which at times, depending on your body system, might react to cause some side effects which will affect you permanently). With this type of massage, you have no worry about the outcome.

The outcome is always positive because there is no use of additives to your body to make the breasts firmer, sexier and bigger.

This massage is also known to prevent breast cancer. As we all are aware of the cost of treating cancer, prevention, and in a natural way, is better than cure. I will encourage all ladies with breasts, to go the natural way, the massage way to develop a cancer free world.

When you regularly massage your breasts, you will be in a position to feel any lamp that might be growing in your breasts and seek medical attention early enough to avoid cancer. It is normally good as a post operative therapy for women who have experienced breast surgery, mastectomies, or distress to the areas around the breast.

Just like any other form of massage, it gives women back their femininity, confidence and peace of mind. Massaging breast must be done properly and with exerting only moderate pressure.

Not only does massaging breast make them firm, it makes them healthier and bigger too and aids in maintaining the balance of hormones in a woman’s body. It prevents sagging and loosening of breast tissues making them firmer and attractive for a longer time.

So all women, lets do it regularly and with pride. When you do it regularly, you will develop a more beautiful bust line. For best Results Massage your breast in the comfort of your home or seek out a professional.

If you've ever felt self conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. To find out about the natural breast enlargement methods that can increase your breast size by up to two cups, naturally and without surgery, click here!

How To Make Your Breast Bigger with Makeup

Learning how to make your breasts bigger with makeup should be pretty exciting. It is natural for women to enjoy making themselves up. Even as a little girl, you must have had loads of fun playing makeup tricks with your friends.
Makeup kits in all shapes, colors, and sizes must have decorated your home when you were little, and even until now. Makeup isn’t intended for the face only, as you must know; you can use it to enhance certain parts of your body, like your breasts, as well.

How To Make Your Breast Bigger with Makeup

How To Make Your Breast Bigger with Makeup

First, wear a push up bra. Push-up bras are created to give your bust an instant lift. In the absence of which you can wear a water bra which contains pockets filled with water so that your breasts will look bigger.

If you are going to wear something with a very low neckline, you can try wearing a triangular-shaped bra that is a size smaller than your usual size underneath.

Get dressed for the occasion but make sure to line the edge of your dress with a cloth or facial tissue so it doesn’t get smeared with makeup.

Use a bronzer or powder in a darker shade to line the area between your breasts. Blend well, and creating a Vee along the curve of the breast.

Darken the color for deeper-looking cleavage, but control the application so it does not look fake.

Now apply a lighter shade (white or pale gold is preferred, but make sure it does not contain a lot of shimmer) on the upper half of your breasts. Blend well using a good quality sponge.

You’re done. Walk tall, stand straight with your back slightly arched so that your breasts push forward. Your friends will think you just got a surgical breast lift!

But you have to remember that this strategy is only temporary. If you want permanent results, then you must work on a few exercises that will develop your pectoral muscles and/or flatten your tummy.

A popular exercise involves weight lifting. Just simply hold a dumbbell in each of your hands and raise one arm after the other. Do this 12 times a day.

Doing wall push-ups is also a good way to develop your chest muscles. A wall push-up is pretty much the same with the traditional push-up; the only difference is that you are in a standing position and pushing against the wall, instead of lying face down and pushing against the floor.

Twelve to 15 wall-ups a day can make a big difference in your chest muscles, you’ll see! You might consider investing on a breast enhancing machine to help you exercise more effectively. Breast enhancing machines have gotten to be popular among women who want a more convenient way of exercising their chest muscles.

A breast massage two or three times a week will also do you a lot of good. A breast massage is ideally done by a therapist, but you can by all means do it yourself in the comfort of your own home. Just make sure you know how to do each step to the letter to ensure guaranteed results.

Needless to say, when you have a social gathering to go to and you need to dress up in your most fabulous gown, simply go over the trick how to make your breasts bigger with makeup for instant cleavage.

If you've ever felt self conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. To find out about the natural breast enlargement methods that can increase your breast size by up to two cups, naturally and without surgery, click here!

Two Good ways to Increase Breast Size

There are many women who are very unhappy with the size of their breast and have always wanted to have them bigger. Most women assume the only way they can increase the size of their breast is to get breast enhancement surgery and get implants put in, but there are ways to increase breast size that are all-natural.

Two Good ways to Increase Breast Size

What most women forget is that the breasts are actually controlled by hormones that the body produces. A great example of this is when a girl goes through puberty and her breasts have a rapid growth spurt. The growth spurt is caused by certain hormones the body produces at that time in a girl’s life.

If you are looking to increase your breast size naturally there are low-cost ways that you can make your breasts look bigger and fuller. You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on plastic surgery but instead adopt some different healthy tips and techniques into your life.

Spices and Herbs that Increase Breast Size
There are specific herbs and spices that will help you increase your breast size. One of these herbs that you can take in a supplement form is called fenugreek.

It is an all-natural herb that stimulates the production of a hormone called prolactin in the woman’s body. When taken on a regular basis, fenugreek can trigger the body to produce the required amounts of prolactin to make the breasts grow larger.

The great thing about herbs and spices that work to increase breast size is that they are not only effective but they also are completely safe when taken properly. Just be sure that you don’t take more than the recommended dose amount that the manufacturer recommends.

Watch for Chemicals and Toxins in Your Life
There are certain chemicals and toxins that may be present in your environment that is preventing you from achieving bigger breasts. These chemicals and toxins can be found in foods, plastic bottles, household cleaners, and any other chemicals that you may be around.

These harmful substances will actually throw your hormonal balances off, causing you to not produce enough the required hormones to make your boobs grow larger.

If you really want to increase breast size you need to make sure that you are eating organic meats and vegetables that are free from pesticides.

If you can rid your body of unnecessary hormones that may be found in meats and pesticides, you can have a better chance at different breast growing techniques working successfully for you.

There are actually several different ways that you can increase breast size naturally. Your diet and your environment are just two of the ways. There are other natural ways that you can stimulate your breast to grow and finally get the chest you have always longed for.

If you've ever felt self conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. To find out about the natural breast enlargement methods that can increase your breast size by up to two cups, naturally and without surgery, click here!

Can Fenugreek Increase Breast Size?

Small breasts, medium breasts, large breasts, etc, are all fine but if you are a woman with small breasts and feel that small breasts are not “you” or do not suit your body type and are looking for effective tips on how to increase breast size naturally at home.

Can Fenugreek Increase Breast Size?

There are various herbs, foods, exercises, etc, that can help you go up a cup size or two naturally. One of the most talked about herbs used for this purpose as well as many other purposes is fenugreek. Find out about this breast growing herb below.

What is so great about fenugreek?
Also known as Greek hay, foenu greek and fenigreek, the seeds of this plant have been used for many centuries by the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, etc, in many herbal concoctions. Some of Fenugreek’s current uses that are supported by modern science include:
a. Diabetes
In some studies in India, research participants with Type 2 diabetes who consumed a certain amount of powdered fenugreek seeds on a daily basis were able to lower their blood sugar levels.

b. Cholesterol
In various studies over several months, it was shown that participants with high cholesterol were able to reduce their high cholesterol levels after daily consumption of the powdered seeds.

c. Arthritis
Fenugreek has been shown by some studies to contain anti-inflammatory properties which helps to support the traditional use of Fenugreek for treating arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

d. Women’s Health Issues
Diosgenin which is a compound found in fenugreek seeds is similar to the female hormone estrogen. An estrogen dominant state in women can lead to all sorts of gynecological issues as well as weight gain and water retention. When fenugreek seeds are consumed by women with various gynecological issues, the diosgenin helps to regulate and prevent an estrogen dominant state.

It is water soluble and is easily eliminated by the body. Fenugreek also helps with the elimination of mucus and toxins in the pelvis helping to prevent conditions that may arise due to these toxins and excess mucus.

Every woman especially those going through menopause, with fibroid s, ovarian cysts, etc, should really consume fenugreek on a regular basis to promote gynecological health. In the Middle East, many women also consume the seeds in order to increase milk production in breast feeding mothers.

Increasing Breast Size Naturally at Home with Fenugreek
When a young girl reaches puberty and starts to grow breasts, the female sex hormone estrogen is the main hormone responsible for breast growth but by the time the young lady reaches the age of 18 or 19, the action of estrogen relating to breast growth stops.

If you ended up with small breasts, there is nothing you can do to make the estrogen produced by your body to continue increasing your breasts after this period.

One of the ways to increase your breasts naturally at home is with the use of certain herbs and plants that contain a property known as phytoestrogen which is similar to the estrogen produced by the body.By adding these phytoestrogens to your body, you can help trigger breast growth.

Fenugreek is one of the herbs that contains this phyto(plant) estrogen – diosgenin – that was mentioned above. This compound mimics the action of estrogen in the body and can help to increase your breast size either alone or in combination with other herbs that contain phytoestrogens.

This ability of fenugreek to increase breast size was first noticed among Arab women who not only consume the roasted fenugreek seeds to increase milk production but to also increase breast size.

In addition to using the seeds, it has been observed that diosgenin is contained in greater amounts in the fenugreek sprouts when compared to the amounts in unsprouted seeds.

So if you are trying to make your breasts grow bigger naturally, you may consider using the sprouts although using the seeds is still beneficial. You can also use fenugreek oil during a breast massage which allows for better and faster absorption by the breasts.

If you've ever felt self conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. To find out about the natural breast enlargement methods that can increase your breast size by up to two cups, naturally and without surgery, click here!

A Simple discussion on Natural Breast Enlargement

Natural breast enlargement is a dream come true for many women wanting to avoid painful surgery. Society and the media has made women self-conscious about their own bodies.The media shows women with perfect breasts.

A Simple discussion on Natural Breast Enlargement
Natural breast enlargement is perfect for women who need a little boost to feel more confident. Women are constantly comparing themselves to other women regardless of whether she is a celebrity, neighbor, or stranger passing by at the mall.
 If you've ever felt self conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. To find out about the natural breast enlargement methods that can increase your breast size by up to two cups, naturally and without surgeryclick here!
Breasts are one of the first comparisons that a woman makes between herself and another woman. Natural breast enlargement can make other women look on in envy and men look on with desire.

Taking a pill that is filled with commonly used herbs is the way to natural breast enlargement. Any woman who is skeptical about natural breast enlargement can easily take a few minutes to look up these herbs and their benefits.

It is worth it to take the time to do the research. Peace of mind is important, especially when it comes to out bodies and our health. Choosing a reputable supplier with a guarantee on all their natural breast enlargement products should be first on your list.

The combination of herbs as well as a specific exercise plan is the way to natural breast enlargement. Women can feel secure knowing that many natural breast enlargement products are safe. It is just important to find the right natural breast enlargement system.

When people hear about breast enlargement, they automatically think about breast implants. Natural breast enlargement is the safe alternative to having breast implants. With natural breast enlargement, there is no need for surgery, no need for anesthesia, no scarring, and no recovery time.

There is no risk of complications related to surgery or anesthesia. There is no pain involved. It is a wonder that any woman would choose implants over natural breast enlargement. Perhaps it is because women are looking for the quick fix.

Natural breast enlargement will take a little longer than surgery, but it is worth the wait to feel safe.

Who benefits from natural breast enlargement? Well, the real answer is any woman who wants natural breast enlargement. Many women experience the toll of aging where breasts can lose elasticity and sag.

It is gravity weighing down on breasts over time. These women benefit from natural breast enlargement. Women who have lost a lot of weight, have breastfed, or had implants removed will also experience sagging and loss or breast elasticity.

Natural breast enlargement is a wonderful option for them as well. Finally, natural breast enlargement is good for any woman who simply wants larger breasts to feel better about herself. Self-esteem is truly important and natural breast enlargement can provide that!

Natural breast enlargement provides so much more than just larger breasts. Natural breast enlargement gives women confidence in their bodies. Women with confidence are the sexiest women alive. Women with confidence get what they want.

Women with confidence can do anything they set their mind to. Natural breast enlargement can deliver this confidence. Women with natural breast enlargement can feel ready to take on the world! Women who seek out natural breast enlargement can feel good about their decision, and when someone asks if their breasts are real, they can confidently say, “YES!”

Using Peuraria Mirifica for Increasing Breast Size Without Surgey

if you are looking for tips on how to increase breast size naturally, you may want to consider using herbs which have been used for thousands of years for many purposes including naturally enlarging breasts. One of the top performing herbs is Peuraria mirifica. Some of the secrets of the great herb and why it is the perfect arsenal for use in increasing breast size without surgeryare discussed below.


Breast growth starts at the onset of puberty through the action of the various hormones in the female body (and male body – hello moobs!) but in particular through the action of the female sex hormone estrogen. By the time you leave your teens, this action stops. If you end up with small breasts after this natural process ends, you can accept the small breasts, have surgery for bigger breasts or use the various methods for increasing breast size without surgery using methods such as herbs.
If you've ever felt self conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. To find out about the natural breast enlargement methods that can increase your breast size by up to two cups, naturally and without surgery, click here!
Herbs are great and effective because they contain phytoestrogens. These phyto (plant) estrogens mimic the action of estrogen produced by the body which can enable you to increase breast size naturally if used in the right way.


This is an herb that is native to Thailand and Myanmar. While there are many species of Pueraria, the most beneficial is Pueraria mirifica that is less common in Thailand and Myanmar and only grows in a specific location.
This herb is also known as Kwao Krua inThailand and has been used for thousands of years for health and rejuvenation. The tuberous roots of this herb are the parts used.


The many benefits of this herb include but are not limited to
  • Rejuvenation and good health
  • Contain anti-wrinkle/anti-aging properties and other skin benefits
  • Is a hair tonic and improves the health and vibrancy of hair
  • Increases strength and vitality
  • Promotes good memory
  • Promotes clear vision
  • Natural hormone replacement for menopausal women
  • And so on and so forth


The tuber of this herb contains many phytoestrogens some of which such as miroestrol anddeoxymiroestrol are found only in Pueraria mirifica. A study carried out at a university in Thailand as well as another study in England found that this herb enhanced breast size by up to 80 percent! This is phenomenal.
For purposes of increasing breast size without surgery using this herb, you can take this herb in raw form or in capsule, cream or serum form and all have been found to be effective.
Because of the confusion created by the various other species of Pueraria, it is important to ensure that the herb you are using is Pueraria mirifica and using the right dosage. Only use reputable retailers.
For one of the reputable retailers of Pueraria mirifica click here and discover this great way of increasing breast size without surgery.

Can You Grow Bigger Breast Naturally?

There   is nothing wrong with having small breasts and they can actually look great on certain frames, e.g. Rihanna. For other women, small breasts just do not suit their frame, or they have trouble finding bust flattering tops and dresses, or they do not feel sexy, etc. The breast augmentation surgery has been the number ONE since 2006 for the simple reason that most women want larger breasts. If you do want larger breasts without the risks and complications or expense associated with cosmetic surgery, it may be possible for you to increase breast size naturally and some of the ways that you can enlarge your breasts include but are not limited to;

1. Use of Phytoestrogens

The   female hormone responsible for breast growth when you reach puberty is known as estrogen. By the time you reach 18 or 19 years of age, your breasts will be fully grown and estrogen produced by the body will no longer cause breast enlargement.

Your natural breast growth is determined by various factors that may be beyond your control such as your genetic makeup.

For women with small breasts who wish to have bigger breasts and are looking for   natural ways to enlarge breasts after natural estrogen has stopped increasing breast size, the first tip on how to increases breast size naturally is to use various plants that contain phytoestrogens which are   produced by plants and have similar properties to the estrogen produced by   the body. Phyto (plant) estrogens mimic the activity of estrogen.

Phytoestrogens are probably one of the best ways to increase breast size naturally as they function in a manner similar to estrogen and can trigger breast growth.

2. How To Increase Breast Size Naturally By Exercise

There are certain exercises that are commonly recommended if looking for tips on how to increase breast size naturally. In order to make your breasts bigger, the exercises to increase breast size are meant to target the pectoral muscles which are the muscles beneath your breasts.

When the pectoral muscles are exercised, much like any other muscles in the body that are exercised, they will grow larger as you implement workouts that target these muscles.

  When these pectoral muscles grow larger, they can create the impression of having bigger breasts.

3. Increase Breast Size Naturally Massage

The massaging technique used to naturally increase breast size is from an ancient Taoist exercise. The breast massage that has been used for hundreds if not thousands of years works to enlarge breasts by improving circulation around the breast   area which in turn helps the breasts absorb estrogen or phytoestrogens from the blood which is an effective way to increase breast size naturally.

If you've ever felt self conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. To find out about the natural breast enlargement methods that can increase your breast size by up to two cups, naturally and without surgery, click here!

Search: enlarge breast size,  get bigger breasts,  increase breast size naturally,  increse breast size

Bigger Breasts Naturally – is it Possible?


Bigger Breasts Naturally – is it possible?

What would it mean for you to have bigger breasts? No one can answer this question for you because we don’t know what having larger breasts would mean to you. Do you want to be more confident in your body, for clothes to fit better, to please a man, to look like your favorite celebrity, etc?

What if I told you that there is a way for you to go up a cup size or two or more? NATURALLY!

Yes, there are ways that have been tested and used for hundreds of years by women who have small busts.

Whatever your reason for wanting bigger busts without resorting to fake looking bust implants, dealing with the risks and complications of bust augmentation surgery as well as the high cost of surgery, many women with small busts are turning to the many natural methods on how to enlarge breasts naturally that have been used for many centuries.

Does this seem like something you would be interested in or would you much rather go the surgery route? Only you can decide that you want to do that will allow you to increase your bust size.

Before you make this decision, it is important to get all relevant information.

For information on the surgery, go to this boob job surgery article that may help you with this decision of whether to have bust implant surgery or not.

If you do want to discover what to do and what you need to increase your bust size naturally, this site discusses various techniques and tips on how to get bigger boobs naturally that you can implement. If you are consistent, you just may go up a cup size naturally.

If you've ever felt self conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. To find out about the natural breast enlargement methods that can increase your breast size by up to two cups, naturally and without surgery, click here!

Search: free tips on how to increase breast size, from molehills to mountains, increase breast size, increase breast size naturally

Best Oils for Breast Massage

Breast massage is a very important part of a successful bust enlargement routine but dry massage is not recommended as it can be uncomfortable and not good for the delicate skin around the busts. You can use water and/or soap in the shower to help hands glide smoothly over the busts but using an oil is best for bust massage. There are a number of natural oils that you can use, each with its own benefit. Below are five oils that are popular in the natural breast enlargement community for bust massage.

Borage oil 

Star flower oil
Borage oil (aka Starflower oil) is taken as an oral supplement by many NBE’ers as part of their natural breast enlargement routine but many of these women also use borage oil for their bust massage. Borage oil has some of the highest levels of GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) which is said to regulate hormones and is beneficial to NBE. It is also good for the skin and helps to relieve PMS symptoms.
Borage oil is generally found in the form of liquid gel caps but you can easily snip the capsules with some scissors and squeeze out the oil. You will probably need about 2 caps per massage session, depending on size of capsule and massage area.

Evening Primrose Oil

Evening Primrose
Evening Primrose Oil is another supplement that is taken orally by many NBE’ers as well as used for bust massage. It is similar to Borage oil in that it contains GLA but in lower amounts. EPO is generally found as liquid gel caps but NOW foods has EPO available as a topical oil in a bottle.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil 2

Our favorite oil to massage with is coconut oil because it is not too thick and not too greasy. It also has a very light scent, depending on which brand you buy. Coconut oil is excellent for the skin as it is easily absorbed and it is also an antibacterial and antifungal but be careful as some people have complained that it clogged their pores. Some people have claimed that massaging with coconut oil has helped them grow bigger breasts.

Olive Oil

olive oil
Extra virgin olive oil (yes, the kind you cook with) is good for moisturizing the skin and great for bust massage. It is easy to find and there are so many options available to fit anyone’s budget. If you choose to use olive oil, be sure that it is cold-pressed and hexane free, if possible, as these are the least processed, most beneficial forms of the oil. Only down side in our opinion is that olive oil is thicker than oils like coconut oil which can make it messier to use. Some people have complained that olive oil has an unpleasant scent as well.

Cocoa Butter

cocoa butter
Cocoa butter is the vegetable fat extracted from the cocoa bean.  Cocoa butter is popular because of its moisturizing and skin healing properties. Many NBE’ers use cocoa butter because it is inexpensive and is available in bulk which is great for those on a budget.  The smell of cocoa butter can be a little strong but there are a number of brands available that contain a light or no scent variety.  Another bonus of using cocoa butter is that it is said to help prevent and reduce stretchmarks which many of us may have on our busts due any number of reasons including puberty or pregnancy.
These are just a few of the popular oils that NBE’ers use as part of their bust enlargement routine. Try them out and see what works best for you. You can massage with just the oil or create a “boobie batter” by adding herbal extracts like fenugreek or pueraria mirifica for added benefit.

If you've ever felt self conscious about the size of your busts, you are not alone. To find out about the natural breast enlargement methods that can increase your bust size by up to two cups, naturally and without surgery, click here!