Can You Grow Bigger Breast Naturally?

There   is nothing wrong with having small breasts and they can actually look great on certain frames, e.g. Rihanna. For other women, small breasts just do not suit their frame, or they have trouble finding bust flattering tops and dresses, or they do not feel sexy, etc. The breast augmentation surgery has been the number ONE since 2006 for the simple reason that most women want larger breasts. If you do want larger breasts without the risks and complications or expense associated with cosmetic surgery, it may be possible for you to increase breast size naturally and some of the ways that you can enlarge your breasts include but are not limited to;

1. Use of Phytoestrogens

The   female hormone responsible for breast growth when you reach puberty is known as estrogen. By the time you reach 18 or 19 years of age, your breasts will be fully grown and estrogen produced by the body will no longer cause breast enlargement.

Your natural breast growth is determined by various factors that may be beyond your control such as your genetic makeup.

For women with small breasts who wish to have bigger breasts and are looking for   natural ways to enlarge breasts after natural estrogen has stopped increasing breast size, the first tip on how to increases breast size naturally is to use various plants that contain phytoestrogens which are   produced by plants and have similar properties to the estrogen produced by   the body. Phyto (plant) estrogens mimic the activity of estrogen.

Phytoestrogens are probably one of the best ways to increase breast size naturally as they function in a manner similar to estrogen and can trigger breast growth.

2. How To Increase Breast Size Naturally By Exercise

There are certain exercises that are commonly recommended if looking for tips on how to increase breast size naturally. In order to make your breasts bigger, the exercises to increase breast size are meant to target the pectoral muscles which are the muscles beneath your breasts.

When the pectoral muscles are exercised, much like any other muscles in the body that are exercised, they will grow larger as you implement workouts that target these muscles.

  When these pectoral muscles grow larger, they can create the impression of having bigger breasts.

3. Increase Breast Size Naturally Massage

The massaging technique used to naturally increase breast size is from an ancient Taoist exercise. The breast massage that has been used for hundreds if not thousands of years works to enlarge breasts by improving circulation around the breast   area which in turn helps the breasts absorb estrogen or phytoestrogens from the blood which is an effective way to increase breast size naturally.

If you've ever felt self conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. To find out about the natural breast enlargement methods that can increase your breast size by up to two cups, naturally and without surgery, click here!

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