How To Make Your Breast Bigger with Makeup

Learning how to make your breasts bigger with makeup should be pretty exciting. It is natural for women to enjoy making themselves up. Even as a little girl, you must have had loads of fun playing makeup tricks with your friends.
Makeup kits in all shapes, colors, and sizes must have decorated your home when you were little, and even until now. Makeup isn’t intended for the face only, as you must know; you can use it to enhance certain parts of your body, like your breasts, as well.

How To Make Your Breast Bigger with Makeup

How To Make Your Breast Bigger with Makeup

First, wear a push up bra. Push-up bras are created to give your bust an instant lift. In the absence of which you can wear a water bra which contains pockets filled with water so that your breasts will look bigger.

If you are going to wear something with a very low neckline, you can try wearing a triangular-shaped bra that is a size smaller than your usual size underneath.

Get dressed for the occasion but make sure to line the edge of your dress with a cloth or facial tissue so it doesn’t get smeared with makeup.

Use a bronzer or powder in a darker shade to line the area between your breasts. Blend well, and creating a Vee along the curve of the breast.

Darken the color for deeper-looking cleavage, but control the application so it does not look fake.

Now apply a lighter shade (white or pale gold is preferred, but make sure it does not contain a lot of shimmer) on the upper half of your breasts. Blend well using a good quality sponge.

You’re done. Walk tall, stand straight with your back slightly arched so that your breasts push forward. Your friends will think you just got a surgical breast lift!

But you have to remember that this strategy is only temporary. If you want permanent results, then you must work on a few exercises that will develop your pectoral muscles and/or flatten your tummy.

A popular exercise involves weight lifting. Just simply hold a dumbbell in each of your hands and raise one arm after the other. Do this 12 times a day.

Doing wall push-ups is also a good way to develop your chest muscles. A wall push-up is pretty much the same with the traditional push-up; the only difference is that you are in a standing position and pushing against the wall, instead of lying face down and pushing against the floor.

Twelve to 15 wall-ups a day can make a big difference in your chest muscles, you’ll see! You might consider investing on a breast enhancing machine to help you exercise more effectively. Breast enhancing machines have gotten to be popular among women who want a more convenient way of exercising their chest muscles.

A breast massage two or three times a week will also do you a lot of good. A breast massage is ideally done by a therapist, but you can by all means do it yourself in the comfort of your own home. Just make sure you know how to do each step to the letter to ensure guaranteed results.

Needless to say, when you have a social gathering to go to and you need to dress up in your most fabulous gown, simply go over the trick how to make your breasts bigger with makeup for instant cleavage.

If you've ever felt self conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. To find out about the natural breast enlargement methods that can increase your breast size by up to two cups, naturally and without surgery, click here!


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